1883 English cricket season

The 1883 English cricket season saw the first of four successive titles won by Notts.


Champion County[1]


30 January. England won the deciding match of the scheduled three-Test series in Melbourne (although an additional match was arranged later). Some ladies burned the bails and placed the resultant ashes in a small urn. This was presented to England’s captain, Ivo Bligh, who had promised to "recover those ashes". The urn is kept in a glass case at Lord’s but England and Australia have been playing for the Ashes ever since.

Leading batsmen

Walter Read was the leading runscorer with 1573 @ 47.66

Leading bowlers


  1. ^ An unofficial seasonal title sometimes proclaimed by consensus of media and historians prior to December 1889 when the official County Championship was constituted. Although there are ante-dated claims prior to 1873, when residence qualifications were introduced, it is only since that ruling that any quasi-official status can be ascribed.

External sources

Annual reviews